

Friday, May 28, 2010

Late night racing

It is approximately half-past eleven as I type this Friday night. My mind is in that weird place between racing and falling asleep, and I figured that now would be a good time as any to type out my thoughts. Today was another productive day of random chores around the house. I personally abhor staying at home without seeing civilization for days on end... I would have failed the Little House on the Prairie days... well, at least the first few books, you know, until that town pops up. I really don't know what I would do without our advanced communication that we take for granted so. That scares me. I can think of several people off the top of my head that I wouldn't see if it weren't for cell phones or Facebook, but the thought of being dependent on something so worldly and artificial frightens the dickens out of me. I have found that possibly my greatest fear is being just like everyone else. Just another person to go through the cycle of growing up, stuffing as much knowledge into our lazy little brains as our educational system tells us that we can, joining the rat race for money and meaning, and dying with as many toys as we can collect for ourselves. Maybe my fear also explains my eagerness to hate pop music... Thankfully, Jesus has made me NOT just like everyone else. I have a purpose, and that purpose is His purpose, His plan. "I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." My future isn't filled with "toy collecting" and money hoarding... as my beloved pastor says, "Even if you win the rat race, and collect more money and possessions than anyone else... You're still a rat."... My future is planned out for His glory for His devine and perfect purpose. That is a very comforting thought....
.... What was I talking about? Oh yeah.... so today was a productive day... I have found out how lazy I really am this year. Senioritis is a jerk... hehe... WAS a jerk. Graduation, you are so close! There are still so many things I need to do on a daily basis... It seems that senioritis was less of a senior thing and more of a life-long hindrance thing. I find myself getting almost angry when I'm reminded to do my daily chores.... Curse you sinful nature of mine! I was reminded by my guitar strumming philosopher friend (I will henceforth refer to her as Juana) of the importance of hard work and the pleasure it brings to our Father in Heaven. (She's also my main inspiration for starting this here blog thing.) I recently recieved two separate copies of John Piper's Don't Waste Your Life from two separate people, which I take as a blunt hint from God to read one of them. Piper mentions that "it was not always plain to me that pursuing God's glory would be virtually the same as pursuing my joy. Now I see that millions of people waste their lives because they think that these paths are two and not one." Point is, work brings joy to you and glory to God... seems like a worthy endeavor to me.
Ok... it's now the wee hours of Saturday morning... and I have some work to do tomorrow morning... Woohoo!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I have this intense fear of wasting my summer away. So I won't.

(Read above title)
Last year, in my US History and Lit class, one of our assignments was to sit, without food, drinks, iPods, TV, anything, for an hour. Everyone was complaining (including me) saying "I can't sit still for that long, I'll get hungry... or worse, bored!" I found this to be the easiest assignment of the school year. Why? Because I sit for hours and think anyways. Sitting and thinking are a couple things that I find easy, I might have a guitar in my hands or a lawnmower loudly doing its gruesome work underneath me, but in essence... I'm just sitting and pondering life, the universe, and everything. (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy quote... Warning: I will quote things. A lot.)
So I finally decided to actually type my quanderings out (Warning: I will also make up words... I'm a word-maker-upper... also see "Lawyer") My main objectives for this blog is so in 20-30 years or so from now, I can stumble upon this and say, "Hey, (insert wife's name here), look what I found! I typed stuff when I was a kid!" Then we will read and chuckle at my 18 year-old life-questions. "Haha that's neat... now weigh anchor and set the sails!," heroicly proclaims my future wife with feigned furrowed brow. (I plan on living on a ship, sailing the seven seas with high adventure when I grow up... My previous quote implies that my wife will be the captain... maybe that's a good thing) "As you wish, my love!", I will promptly reply. "Stop quoting things!" "Yes, Ma'am!"
Actually, that is my secondary objective for my blog... make that tertiary objective. My primary objective (as it should be with all things we do) is to bring honor and glory to our Father in Heaven. Hopefully that will keep me on track. My real secondary objective is to not waste my summer away... as my title implies. Maybe I can spend my time for good! Maybe I can even carry this blog with me through college... This should be fun.