

Friday, June 18, 2010

Jenna told me to get on with my blog. So I will.

It's been a while since I last posted anything to this here blog thing. I don't really have an excuse.... I just didn't know what to write, since I can only type about deep philosophical subjects every so often (My brain is small... it takes a while to recharge.) This past week was VBS (excuse me... Arts and Sports Camp) at our church. Besides getting emotionally and physically drained... and not to mention sunburned, it was a pretty gosh darn good week. I tried to teach the kids my limited knowledge of soccer and then I played ye ol' geetar for the praise band. So two of the things I love most were put together into one week, so I was happy. Tonight was the final shabang when all the kids got to show off what they learned followed by an ice cream social. It was all fun, but I'm glad it's over. Now college is only a few weeks away... I think reality is slowly starting to set in because I got my roommate assignments this week... You mean I can't live in my house anymore? I could use some prayer... I'm excited but oh so nervous. I have made some of the best friends I could ask for in highschool, and my only hope is that those will last through college... Another one of my greatest fears is that some of the people that I love and hold dear now will fade away as I grow older. So.. if you're reading this... keep that in mind. I'm sure I will make some great friendships through college though... which is comforting, but they could never replace the ones I have now.
Wow... I am tired. Maybe I can actually sleep in tomorrow. Keep in touch, friends!

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha thank you for posting :P college is scary because college is change. but most of the changes in life lead to bigger and better things and i think you will find yourself pleasantly surprised, even tho it won't be a walk in the park.
    don't make me cry. the group will all be in eachother's weddings and we will all babysit each other's kids and we will all continue the awesomest friendships ever in heaven someday! im thankful God let us all start early ^_^
