

Saturday, September 4, 2010

In my new red sunglasses...

Saturday morning has been a lazy morning. Everyone stayed up really late last night (A Friday night at college... it's understandable, right?) Two of my roommates have gone home for the weekend (Ben to get his drumset, I can't wait to jam! And Bryan so ho can talk to his parents about all of the changes college has brought to his doorstep... not a bad idea) And almost everyone else is off at away cross-country meets or soccer matches. So Jacob (My remaining roommate), C-Berry, as we so affectionately call him, and I ate breakfast and decided on a whim to go outside and enjoy the beautiful day. We took off our shoes halfway between the Great Hall (The dining hall) and the overlook (because we're college students, and we don't care about leaving our shoes about) and sat and talked about many things such as the view, the young couple also enjoying the view (we decided that they were gross... couples... yuck), the tour guide showing a possible new student and his excited family around the points of interest around the campus... like our overlook, aaaaannnnd butterflies. It all started when C-Berry said, "A butterfly!" We watched the little yellow guy flit around for a little while until C-Berry started to tell us about a man of whom he had heard. This man, apparently was very skeptical of God and angrily wanted proof of His existence. So the man said to God, "If you're real then touch me somehow." A butterfly then landed on his shoulder and the man just brushed it away. Then C-Berry said, "What better way is there for God to touch you than with a butterfly landing on your shoulder?" Then I remembered... Crap! I need to change my laundry! So we decided to get our books/ change our laundry and meet back at the overlook in ten minutes to get started on our reading due on Monday. So I changed my laundry (It's about time that I change it again, actually) and I grabbed my books for my Old Testament class and went back to the overlook. I tried reading in several different spots (One was too uncomfortable. One was too hot. One was in the shade and was just right... I'm such a Goldilocks) So I sat under the tree ( I'm still there now, actually... I really do need to change my laundry) and started reading Genesis for Old Testament class through chapter 2 when I laid down and looked up. It was one of those moments that I can't fully describe to you, but I'll try anyways. The sky was perfectly blue and I saw it through the leaves of the tree above me... and the breeze was pushing them around... and there was that sound the wind makes when it blows leaves around... it was great. Anyways, I started praying and thinking about my relationships with people here, my relationships with people at home, relationships I wish weren't, and relationships I wish were, until I realized that I have been wasting my time for a long time. I've been so caught up on people and how I wish they were, and how I wish I felt about them, that I had completely forgotten that our true purpose is not in our relationships with other people. Don't get me wrong, I love people, Jesus said that the greatest of these is to love God and love one another as yourself... so I don't take that lightly, but I get so caught up in my feelings about people that I forget that we are to encourage each other in our walks with our Lord and to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. That moment I felt so close to God, not that He was ever far away, but I had just started listening, and for a while I forgot about my stupid feelings, and I thought about my friends the way I should. People I love. I can't let my feelings get in the way of His plan for me, even if I have no idea what the plan is. I know my stupid emotional feelings will be back and get in the way, but I need to remember... we need to remember that God is in control and knows His own plans for us. And I'm pretty sure His plan is better than any that we could come up with... just sayin'. Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye land on my shoulder... It stayed just long enough for me to see it, but not really comprehend what happened before it flitted off... I really need to change my laundry.

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