

Thursday, August 26, 2010

College is cool. I like it.

It's been my first week of college already! It seems like struggling to finish exams of my senior year while eagerly anticipating the summer of O' ten was just yesterday. But now Orientation week a Covenant is over, and today is my first day of class. I'm back into the swing of things, but it's a completely different swing of things at the same time. Orientation was a lot like a summer camp. We had O-Teams (Orientation Teams) with O-Team leader (counselors) where they grouped about 16 people with the same major into a group. That group is my Christian Mind class (I need to finish reading for that... I hope this blog post is worth postponing my homework for). Our group is really cool. Apparently anyone who majors in Biology is an awesome person. Huh, who knew? So a bunch of the people in my O-Team (Christian Mind class) are also in my other classes because we have the same major. The people in my hall are also really cool. My room is the four person room, and our hall doesn't have a commons, so our room is the hang-out place. I like it right now, but I'm not sure how cool that will be when I have to study haha. We bunked our beds so I'm about 8 feet off the ground when I go to bed. Pray that I don't kill myself by rolling off in the middle of the night. haha
Even though I expected that college would be different than I expected... There are a view things that never I didn't expect to happen. 1. I brush my teeth about 4 times a day. It must be because I'm constantly around people who I want to like me... and clean teeth is a way to do that. 2. The food is actually really good. There HAVE been exceptions. Like the pizza that tasted like cardboard with a cheesy aftertaste thing... but generally it's really good. 3. I've only played one game of Ultimate and I haven't played one game of soccer yet. 4. I know a lot more guys than girls. In highschool, I think I mostly hung out with the babes... Yeah. Here, I only know a few girls, but they're all cool. I live on an all-boys hall (Obviously) so I see only guys when I'm "at home" in my dorm. I actually think it's kind of cheap to be looking for girls to hang out with, personally. It's pretty lame to completely blow off the guys for the girls. Those are my thoughts on that subject. Lame is bad.
Ok. Last night. Was one of the best nights of my life. It all started at The Blink, which is like a cafeteria that opens at night after the real cafeteria closes. It's the late-night hang out place... there's a giant chess board on the floor... it's cool. Anyways, I was there, hangin' with ma buds, when some of those cool ladies that I know who I mentioned previously came up to us and said they were going down to Jackson pond and "You should come too!" So me and my friends Jake were shown how to get to Jackson pond by some of my Sophomore friends from Asheville, where we proceeded to build a fire. They told us that we HAD to go swimming, so we walked around the pond (It's more of a small lake... large pond... small lake) where our friends who invited us down there were waiting at The Tree. This tree is really tall and someone tied a hammock to the top, and it leans out over the water... So you're supposed to climb the tree up to the hammock and jump into the water below. It was about eleven or twelve when we did this, so it was really dark... you're pretty much jumping into nothingness. It was awesome. It's one of those things where your stomach feels like it's in your brain and then SPLASH! Then we swam across the lake to the fire... After we got to the fire, someone asked if we had swam, (swimmed? swum?) on our backs looking at the stars and said it was his favorite thing in the world. I did do that, and I agree. Someone brought some poetry books and we read some poetry and from the Bible... I highly suggest doing this next time you have a fire. Then we sang hymns and prayed until about 1:30 when we decided that we should probably go to bed. Best day yet. Let's see if anything can compare in these next four years.

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